Part A – Instructions and explanatory notes  


As part of the assessment process you, the student has to demonstrate the required skills to a qualified assessor.

These tasks are to be demonstrated while you are in an operational food preparation environment.

The live video conference can be completed at the same time as the workplace tasks with a qualified observer. The third-party observer can assist with holding the camera then observing and signing off on the completion of the remaining range of tasks. For further details regarding the workplace tasks and third-party observation report download the instructions from your course menu.

Schedule your live video conference

To schedule your live video conference with a trainer, select a time when you will be in an operational food preparation environment completing your required workplace tasks.

The live video assessment may take 30 – 45 minutes.

Select and book your live video conference from the available times at the following link -

Select and book the available date and time that suits you and your observer best.

Don’t forget - You are responsible for contacting the trainer/assessor at the scheduled time. 

Video conferences can be held via Skype or Facebook Messenger. Contact details are available when you schedule your video conference time.

Ensure that you have the correct software or app downloaded on your device prior to your scheduled appointment time.

Skype – for iPhone

Skype – for Android

Skype – for laptop/desktop

Facebook Messenger – for iPhone

Facebook Messenger – for Android

Facebook Messenger – for laptop/desktop

A few minutes prior to your scheduled time search for the trainer/assessor contact details on either Skype or Messenger and be ready to place a video call at the appointed time.

Please note that in order to use both Skype and Messenger you will need to send the trainer a message request and have this approved prior to your video conference call.

Prior to your live video conference ensure you have read and understand the assessment requirements.

Have your third-party qualified observer in attendance if possible or at least one other person to assist by filming you while you demonstrate the required tasks to the trainer/assessor.

What is a suitable operational food preparation environment?

Observation needs to be conducted in a suitable operational food preparation environment.  This environment must contain large and small equipment, food ingredients and ready to eat food items to allow for observations of all the required tasks. 

Some examples of suitable operational food preparation environments are a commercial kitchen (restaurant, hotel etc.), your local council facilities, a catered function, a sports club or community centre.  If you have any questions as to whether you think your environment is suitable please contact the support desk to ask.

Equipment Required:

It is important that you demonstrate your skills in a suitable industry environment that has the following facilities:


  • commercial grade work benches
  • refrigeration unit
  • sink
  • storage facilities

Small equipment:

  • assorted pots and pans
  • containers for hot and cold storage
  • crockery
  • cutting boards
  • food handler gloves
  • knives
  • packaging materials
  • receptacles for presentation and display purposes
  • temperature monitoring device
  • small utensils:
  • tongs
  • serving utensils

Food ingredients and ready to eat food items – for example:

  • sandwich making ingredients
  • ingredients with which to prepare and cook and serve a simple meal

Appropriate facilities for hand washing:

  • designated hand washing sink
  • antiseptic liquid soap
  • single use towels
  • warm running water

Personal protective clothing required:

  • Work uniform or clean clothes
  • Clean covered work shoes
  • Hair and beards must be tied back &/or covered (if required).
  • Work safe Band-Aids and food handler gloves

Cleaning equipment required:

  • Surface cleaner
  • Surface sanitiser
  • Warm water
  • Cleaning cloths

Documentation Required:

  • The workplace’s current food safety plan detailing policies and procedures for managing food safety
  • Monitoring records and log sheets

Part B - Task Requirements

You are required to show evidence of performing the following tasks:

1. You will need to demonstrate that the assessment has taken place in an operational food preparation environment that has all the required fixtures and equipment. See the requirements in Part A – Instructions and explanatory notes.

Once the facilities have been approved by our trainers you will be able to continue the demonstration with the following tasks.

2. You will be required to demonstrate to the assessor the following:

  • That you are wearing the required uniform or clean clothes and shoes.
  • That your hair is tied back &/or covered (if applicable)
  • Correct procedures for wearing your apron
  • Correct procedures for wearing food handler gloves
  • Correct procedures for the wearing of bandages and dressings.  

3. You will be required to show the assessor the correct procedure to wash your hands using:

  • A designated hand washing sink
  • Antiseptic liquid soap
  • Warm running water
  • Single use towels

4. You will need to demonstrate procedures to:

  • Identify food hazards
  • Report unsafe practices
  • Report incidents of food contamination

5. You will need to demonstrate that you know where to find the organisation’s food safety policies and procedures.

6. You will be required to demonstrate the correct methods of controlling food hazards while receiving food. For this task you will have to show the assessor how you check the condition and temperature of food as if it has just been delivered.

7. You will be required to demonstrate the correct methods of controlling food hazards while storing food. As part of this task you will need to demonstrate that you can accurately record cold storage temperatures and record the details in the temperature log.

8. You will be required to demonstrate the correct methods of controlling food hazards while preparing food. As part of this task you will be required to demonstrate safe food handling while preparing a sandwich or other ready to eat food items.

9. You will be required to demonstrate the correct methods of controlling food hazards while processing food. As part of this task you will be required to demonstrate safe food handling while actually processing food. Food processing typically involves activities such as mincing and macerating, liquefaction, emulsification, and cooking (such as boiling, roasting, frying, or grilling); pickling, pasteurisation, and many other kinds of preservation; and canning or other packaging. Please be prepared to show the assessor safe food handling skills while performing one of these tasks.

10. You will be required to demonstrate the correct methods of controlling food hazards while displaying or serving food. As part of this task you will be required to demonstrate how you present and serve the food that has been prepared and processed during the demonstration or other food on hand.

11. You will be required to demonstrate the correct methods of controlling food hazards while packaging food for transportation. As part of this task you will be required to demonstrate how food should be packed for safe transportation outside of the food preparation area.

12. You will need to demonstrate that you can correctly clean and sanitise a bench.

13. You will be required to demonstrate the correct methods of controlling food hazards while disposing of foodAs part of this task you will be required to demonstrate safe disposal methods.


Part C – At the scheduled time initiate the video conference


Skype Instructions


Ensure that you have downloaded the required software or app.


Skype – for iPhone


Skype – for Android


Skype – for laptop/desktop


Log into Skype at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time.


Search for the trainer/assessor contact details via the search feature and send them a message request. Once the message request has been accepted by the trainer/assessor you will be able to place a call to them via Skype. Ensure that the message request is sent prior to you scheduled time.


At the appointed time initiate the video call.


For help using Skype click here.


Messenger Instructions


Ensure that you have downloaded the required software or app.


Facebook Messenger – for iPhone


Facebook Messenger – for Android


Facebook Messenger – for laptop/desktop


Log into Messenger at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time.


Search for the trainer/assessor contact details via the search feature and send them a message request. Once the message request has been accepted by the trainer/assessor you will be able to place a call to them via Messenger. Ensure that the message request is sent prior to you scheduled time.


At the appointed time initiate the video call.


For help using Messenger click here.

Part D - Logging your completed video conference


If you pass all the demonstration requirements during the live video conference the trainer/assessor will give you a completion code for you to enter in the video conference section in your course menu.


 (If you don't pass the demonstration of skills requirements you will be given the opportunity receive feedback from the assessor and reschedule another live video conference to re-attempt the assessment).